Τεχνικό εγχειρίδιο

Φύλλο τεχνικών δεδομένων

UW 120x100x120 1mm NIDA Metal - TDS EN

Technical Data Sheet and properties for UW 120x100x120 1mm NIDA Metal
Δήλωση Απόδοσης

UW 250x100x250, 2mm NIDA Metal - DOP EN

Declaration of Performance according to the Construction Products Regulation EU No. 305/2011 for UW 250x100x250, 2mm NIDA Metal
Δήλωση Απόδοσης

UW 120x100x120 1mm NIDA Metal - DOP EN

Declaration of Performance according to the Construction Products Regulation EU No. 305/2011 for UW 120x100x120 1mm NIDA Metal
Φύλλο τεχνικών δεδομένων

Adhesive Metal Clip - TDS EN

Technical Data Sheet and properties for Adhesive Metal Clip
Δήλωση Απόδοσης

Adhesive Metal Clip - DOP EN

Declaration of Performance according to the Construction Products Regulation EU No. 305/2011 for Adhesive Metal Clip
Δήλωση Απόδοσης

HYDRO Plus 12.5 - DOP EN

Declaration of Performance according to the Construction Products Regulation EU No. 305/2011 for HYDRO Plus 12.5
Φύλλο τεχνικών δεδομένων


Technical Data Sheet and properties for EXPERT Plus
Φύλλο τεχνικών δεδομένων


Technical Data Sheet and properties for HYDRO Plus
Δήλωση Απόδοσης

EXPERT Plus 12.5 - DOP EN

Declaration of Performance according to the Construction Products Regulation EU No. 305/2011 for EXPERT Plus 12.5
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