PREGYRX Plac 12.5 Pb 0.5mm

Board with special technical features. The anti-radiation system is composed of a plasterboard tile with added lead foil of various thickness levels (0.5 mm), depending on the radiation level as well as additional elements such as self-adhesive lead tape that seals the system in the joint area. Made of heavy plasterboard, this board is used with special dimensions - width 625 mm and length 1000 mm. The weight of this product is 15.90 kg/m2.

Further information


  • medical offices with low radiation levels
  • other technical premises or laboratories with possible radiation emissions;


  • medical offices with low radiation levels, other technical premises or laboratories with possible radiation emissions.
Weight Per SQM: 14,5 kg/m²
Thickness: 12,5 mm
Width: 600 mm
Board Type: DF


Καινοτόμες, έξυπνες και αποτελεσματικές λύσεις

Δοκιμασμένες και πιστοποιημένες λύσεις

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